
August 2024,

When we constantly worry about things that don’t matter, we cause more harm than good. We all want to be cautious and avoid any potential problems, so we find ourselves worrying about everything. This only makes matters worse and doesn’t solve anything. We often worry about things that are not even worth our time and energy. We worry about embarrassing moments, hidden agendas or meanings in things people say, and whether we said the right thing or not. This is all unnecessary and only adds to our stress and anxiety. Our minds are filled with countless “what ifs” that often lead us down a spiral of negative thoughts. This constant worrying and overthinking can consume us and prevent us from living in the present moment. We need to remember that mistakes are a part of life, and they do not define us. We make mistakes every day, but that doesn’t mean that every day is a mistake. It’s important to let go of our worries and focus on the present. We should learn from our mistakes and move on rather than dwelling on them and letting them define us. Remember, we are more than our mistakes and should not let them hold us back from living our lives to the fullest. If we are going to relive our mistakes, let’s relive them only to change our behaviors and fix them for the next time. If we live life backward, we will bump into things ahead of us. I’m all for appreciating what I have and not worrying about what I don’t have. When we have a thought, we suddenly have to decide what to do with it, notice these negative thoughts, and think instead about how to change the negatives to their opposites that better suit our needs.

We will have trouble sleeping if we keep over-thinking these things. Our minds wander to the past, replaying scenarios and wishing we could go back and change things. But the truth is, we have no control over the past. We can only control what we do in the present. It’s time to let go of the past and focus on the now. We also can’t change people. It’s a hard truth to accept, but we are not responsible for someone else’s actions or behaviors. When we get upset about how people act, we are taking on their problems as our own. It’s important to stay separate and not let their issues consume us. When someone comes to us with their problems, it’s natural to want to help. But sometimes, the best thing we can do is just listen. We don’t have to pick up their problems and make them our own. Instead, we can ask questions that guide them toward finding their own solutions. By doing this, we are empowering them and also protecting ourselves from taking on unnecessary stress. “What else happened? Can you tell me more about this? They say, What do you think is the answer? What solution is there, what do you plan to do about this? or What have you done so far? This way, you have stopped the complaining and started a new path for them to follow. Remember, we can only change ourselves. Let go of what you can’t control and focus on what you can.

In relationships, appreciation is the key. To express your love and gratitude, you can frequently tell your special someone, “I’m happy I have you in my life”, or “I knew it was a good idea to keep you around”. It’s essential for us to feel wanted and valued. So, why not make their moments and yours better? It’s simple, free, and it can’t hurt. Let’s make a conscious decision to support people, and not criticize what we cannot change. Moreover, we all have our flaws and imperfections. However, it’s important to focus on the positive aspects and qualities of our loved ones. By doing so, we can strengthen our relationships and make them more meaningful. Instead of constantly pointing out their shortcomings, let’s choose to appreciate and cherish what we have. After all, life is too short to dwell on the negative. Let’s spread love and positivity, and make a difference in someone’s life. In conclusion, expressing our appreciation and gratitude is crucial in maintaining  healthy and fulfilling relationships. It may seem like a small gesture, but it can have a huge impact on the people we love. Let’s make it a habit to show our loved ones how much we value them, and choose to support and uplift them instead of criticizing them. Remember, when we choose to see the good in others, we create a positive and loving environment for ourselves and those around us.

What other ideas might work to stop overthinking? Post them in the comments.

Lauraina Bashir

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