May 2024,
Written by Dr. Patrick Liew Executive Chairman at USC, Ed.D MBA, MSc, BSc, CIPS, CBI. With his permission to post, Thanks.
As I reflect on time, I am mindful that you have a past that you can never change. However, the past does not have to shape your future.
You can decide to sink or soar as a result of the past. Our Creator has created time so that you can bury your broken dreams in it. You can choose to learn from and build on it. So, why let pain and sorrow weigh on your spirit and become a burden in your life?
Why lay them bare on the journey of life and make them a part of your being? Let go of the negative emotions and baggage Why let them become bondage and burden your heart?
Why let a broken heart and uncompleted files hold you back from the passion of living and your dream?
It’s time to revisit some of these unfinished stories. Stories that were left hanging in the depths of time.
It’s time to craft the remaining chapters for a beautiful life.
It’s time to close the files and let a boulder roll off your chest, a burden be released from your heart.
Letting go of the negative emotions and baggage from the past will free you to run farther and faster in life. You’ll become lighter and your steps quicker. Eventually, you’ll take flight and soar to the stars of your dreams.